Want to improve the relationships in your community, workplace, or school?
We can help. Restorative Justice Practices work!
Prevent, mitigate, resolve and repair conflicts, minor and major.
Our training teaches simple, practical, universally applicable skills that participants can learn today and start practicing tomorrow. We emphasize the daily-life use of these interpersonal tools in part to demonstrate the philosophy behind restorative justice.
Implementation Design and Consulting
Design an implementation plan, with your trained team, that creates policies and procedures tailored to support your organization’s needs.
Without an implementation plan, training alone can dissipate with time and turnover. Our design process guides your team through our carefully-sequenced set of questions which your people answer since they are familiar with your organization’s culture. The resulting plan establishes specific actionable goals and timelines.
Dispute, Problem-solving,
or Project-management Facilitation
Maximize your group’s efficiency with specific agreements about how all voices will be heard, how to embolden all parties to speak freely, and how to keep everyone at the table, even if hot emotions emerge – before the work at hand begins.
Diverse people, coming from diverse points of view, almost always run into conflicts when critical preliminary work gets skipped. Minor issues can fester into major stumbling blocks, eating up time. Whether managing a dispute or working toward a project, our Restorative Facilitators use an efficient process to arrive at mutual understandings that will avoid, mitigate and if necessary, repair conflicts.
With agreements in hand, Restoration’s circle process ensures that the resolutions and projects happen smoothly, without grinding gears that no one knew were there.
Restorative Justice Conferencing
Ensure that all parties feel safe and heard when working on conflicts that are too complex or high-stakes to resolve safely without deep preparation
Conferencing is a structured protocol used internationally for addressing high-conflict matters that demand making amends to victims of harm or constructing contractual agreements designed to control unwanted behavior. Conferencing is appropriate for all levels of the justice system, domestic violence, serious family disputes, pre-termination human resources disputes, contentious special-education problems, and many other potentially explosive conflicts.
All human organizations need RJP, from families to workplaces.
Don't wait any longer, get started today
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